Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wanna Volunteer?

C'mon, of course you do! Look at these guys...don't they look like they're having fun? They are Project 640--mostly from Chicago with a few Minnesotans thrown in. They are huge supporters of PHF and this is their 2nd trip to Tanzania to give us a big hand.

Living here in Tanzania so many things have become routine. The frustrations of life which, let's face it, are present no matter where you live, our daily routines, etc. are all chronicled here in our blog. Even though we feel blessed every day to be living and working here, it's "life" for us much of the time. So when volunteers or visitors show up, they provide
a wonderfully positive shot of enthusiasm. We get to see the work in progress through their fresh eyes and get renewed by their energy and support. And I think anyone would be hard pressed to be more enthusiastic and positive than this group! When they arrived last February, Tanzania had missed its long rains and was in a drought. Everything was baked brown--the wind blew red dust everywhere. There was no grass, no trees, no buildings--just a bunch of people who believed enough to come over and do something. They built the banda, they planted trees--they made a difference.
This week they see buildings with roofs. They see the start of roads. They see grass and 26,000 new trees planted. They see their little seedlings standing 8-9 feet tall in just one year. They eat lunch and relax in the cool shade of the banda. They step out and pick up shovels and hoes and rakes and blocks and build a garden and a firepit that will bless our students and volunteers for years to come. In their spare time, they shop, eat, laugh, name it!

Of course, there are those people behind the scenes that make these adventures happen. Paula, perpetually upbeat and positive tour guide/cheerleader/motivator gives 110% to planning and organizing--it's just not possible to be cranky or down around her! Bodil and Isaya designed the herb garden and did all the work of planning, budgeting, requisitioning, and

organizing the materials and additional workers for the week. As a result we will have a beautiful garden full of delicious herbs to cook with and one that adds so much to the beauty of the site. The firepit sits just down the hill from the volunteer housing, so secluded feeling that you'll believe you're relaxing out in the bush when you kick back and watch the sunset. The end result is that everyone is enriched by their efforts--the students, the staff, the volunteers. As Isaya said, "No one loses when they help a child."

P640 does have their own blog here. Between the fun they are having and the internet issues we often face here, they are working to post their pics and their experience in their own words. Check in with them--they know what it's like to come and volunteer--I guarantee you'll be moved!

Note: As of today, P640 has not posted new pics to their blog. The pics you can see, however, are from their trip here last year at this same time. The long rains had been short, the short rains nonexistent, and this place was BAKED! What a difference this year!

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