Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Cameron!

He's almost a teenager...turning 12 last week. Nothing like watching your kids grow up to remind you that you're growing (older), too! At Christmas Cameron got an iPod Shuffle and a cool messenger bag. Very teen-agery. When it was all done, I could see him realizing that, even though his stuff was very cool, there were no toys. I remember being at that stage--loving my things but being aware that things were going to be different. So there were toys at birthday well as gift cards to iTunes. A little bit of both worlds--and that's where he is now.
After the first present, he's apparently trying to discern what it is (a rugby ball) or what the next present might be.

Some other people were very excited that some people got more toys for their birthday.

And some just want to be one of Bob Barker's Beauties.

See--that reference dates me. I just know it.


Karen said...

Did you hear Bob Barker is RETIRING? That just can't be. He's an institution in and of himself. There is no way The Price is Right will survive without him. On the other hand, he has been doing it for 35 years! (and that is after 18 years on Truth or Consequences). And he is 83. But still.

Karen said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Cameron!!