Monday, February 01, 2010

God Bless Minnesota. Or, Stop Changing!

Remember Santa Bear? He used to live at a magical place called Dayton's. Sadly, Dayton's doesn't exist any more. Even more sadly, I couldn't find a Dayton's logo on Google. SIGH. Yes, it "became" Marshall Fields. Not the same. You can sell your Frango mints, you can have your holiday display, but Dayton's is NOT Dayton's unless it's DAYTON'S.

Last week I started searching for plane tickets for our summer travel marathon (it's a big one this year, baby...blink and you'll miss us). I dutifully entered the address for my good old friend, Northwest Airlines. NWA is a good old friend of the sort that is always around, but can really tick you off because they're so rigid sometimes, and they always seem to borrow money from you and you never get it back, and if you want to do something, they want to have it all their way. But you know, they're around, and they've been your friend for so long that even though you may kvetch about them, it's not like you're going to kiss them goodbye or anything. You've got, you know, a history together.

Until today, when I found out they kissed me goodbye. When I entered my trusty address, this is what I found. DELTA? DELTA?! Delta is not my friend. Delta is not Minnesota. Delta is UTAH, for cryin' out loud. The merger was one thing, as long as it was hidden behind the NWA logo. I'm not happy AT ALL about this development. Last week, I could fly from Beijing to Tokyo to Minneapolis. NOW, these DELTA people have decided I should go to ATLANTA. For, oh, I don't know, 3-4 hours. HELLO, DELTA--I'm on the freakin' plane for 13 hours as it is...are you REALLY going to make me sit in ATLANTA just to prolong the fun?

They better not mess with this one, I'll tell you what...

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