Monday, May 29, 2006

Meet Sydney

Introducing Sydney! We think she's pretty adorable. The kids have been wanting a dog, but I was just not at all interested in a puppy (I successfully resisted their pleas for the Dalmation puppies advertised at school, not to mention the ongoing "it's going to die, Mom, if we don't take it" chorus whenever we see a dog/puppy on our trips around town--they're probably right, of course, but I can't save every dog--can I?). Anyway, we had been asking around for anyone who might know of someone who would have a kid-friendly dog. Our vet called us Friday and told us about Sydney. She lived with 5 other dogs, and was great with all of them but fought constantly with their dachshund. Finally, the woman just couldn't deal with it anymore. She arrived Friday evening with the battle scars of her encounters with the dog. We were a bit nervous about her and Ruka--Jack Russells can be very tough dogs and if she was used to fighting... sadly, we've learned that Ruka is quite the bully. Not content to simply sit on the bookcase or table and hiss, he stalks poor Sydney through the house and attacks unexpectedly. Poor Sydney won't even make eye contact with him! I suppose they'll eventually come to some sort of arrangement. Anyway, she's adorable and friendly and portable. I don't know about her watchdog potential--but just having a dog around can be a deterrant, and Tanzanians are often especially leery of "mzungu" dogs--since all Tanzanian dogs look pretty much the same, a dog that resembles a particular breed makes them nervous. Let's hope!


Mama Ava said...

Well, she had Ruka cornered under the bed tonight...a lot of noise ensued but no battles. Cats really are evil--they taunt and tease so!

Syd's turning out to be quite the guard dog...after sleeping outside all her life, she was horrified to think I'd put her out on the veranda in her new basket and pillow. Just because I kept her in the kitchen for 3 nights. It doesn't do much good to have your watchdog sleeping under your bed.

Mama Ava said...

Yes, there was a curious resemblance to Gretel with the eye avoidance thing. Over the weekend, though, she's becoming bolder. When Ruka's on the floor, she's a bit leery, but if he's up on something, she goes crazy.

Today they had a staring contest--Ruka in the corner, Sydney about 18 inches away. Every so often one would growl and the other would answer...for at least 30 minutes!

I'd be more likely to rescue one animal back home, because it would stand out. Here, how can you choose which feral dog to save? There's so many. And Mark left Sunday for a week so he only saw Sydny for a couple hours. He's fine with 'em, though.

andalucy said...

That is such a cute dog!

Mama Ava said...

Well, I'll need to post a revision. I read a JR site that said they could be very difficult with other pets. Well...Ruka spent the day under the bed. Syd's obviously very comfortable here now and has taken the offensive and now Ruka's on the receiving end of the terror. AND, Syd can jump higher than the counter! Overandoverandoverandover.
I downloaded some hints for training for stay, come, and leave it and we're going to start working with her. We'd need to do it anyway. She'd be killed if another dog got her (and any dog would here if she got away) so I need to know she'll mind on at least those 3 commands.