Saturday, August 12, 2006

Another Nairobi Moment...

At the boardwalk zoo, Ava and I found ourselves surrounded by a group of Kenyan students who were on a field trip. A teacher asked me, "Could we have a photo?" We are often asked to take people's pictures here, but I had to tell him, "Sorry, I don't have a camera with me." He replied, "No, no, we have our own cameras." Sure enough, 3 adults dug out their 3 cameras. Then they just stood there, looking at Ava and me. I said, "OK, so give me your camera and get in a group and I'll take your pictures." And then he said, "No, no, we want to take a picture of YOU." So they all gathered around Ava and I and took quite a few pictures of us with the group, with smaller groups, etc.

We went to the zoo to take pictures of animals. They came to the zoo and took pictures of us. Too funny! Then it occurred to me--this is what celebrities have to do all the time. People watching them, following them, acting as if every little thing is so very interesting, and then asking for photos. Honestly, it doesn't happen very often, but I was definitely amused by the whole event!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Are you celebrities or zoo animals?