Monday, July 16, 2007

There's just no good reason...

I mean, I'm at the equator for crying out loud! So someone please explain the fleece socks and blanket, flannel pants, and sweatshirt? And why my typing hand is freezing while the other is clutching a hot cup of tea?

Maybe it's because the temperature is currently 58 degrees in my house.



Dave Thurston said...

I found your blog while doing a search for blogs on a mission trip to Mamelodi, South Africa.

My wife just returned from Mamelodi (a township outside the capital city of Pretoria). One night they spent the night in the township and she agreed with your sentament - it was cold! Sleeping with fleece pajamas, hats, and still having her head under the covers.

I am enjoying reading your blog. It looks like you are doing great things. Keep up the stories - I've added your blog to my google-reader page.


Mama Ava said...

Thanks, Dave! A student I know just got back from S. Africa (the S. Africans here hate that the longer school break is during the winter when it's so cold back home) and he said it had snowed a couple inches in J'burg. Sticking snow, the first in 40 years!

Sharon said...

Are you sad to know that this week will be 95-100 with a high reaching 105 on Wednesday?

shawn said...

WOW and I thought that it was hot there.. hum... makes you miss Minnesota's summer heat wave hu???