Saturday, November 03, 2007

Some Observations

Through a series of unfortunate events, I'm writing from good ol' Bloomington, MN where I'll be for a week. I'm starting to wake up from the long trip and am having a great time seeing what has changed and what hasn't.

*Anyone who said that McDonald's fries wouldn't be tasting as good as I remembered them were dead wrong. They are terrific! I suspect the people who said this are related to the people who said I wouldn't still be reading People magazine online after almost 2 years.

*Americans are not the wealthiest people in the world. The Dutch are. Otherwise, how to explain a $10 "value" meal at McDonald's? (to their credit, they don't call them value meals--they're "McMenu options")

*Americans may be among the most generous people in the world, but the fact that an airport trolley costs $3 is a joke, because it forces me to stagger down the halls dangerously listing to the left as I lug my huge duffel bag to the car (well, that and my stinginess over paying for said trolley). Even in TZ, where everything goes missing the second you turn your back on it, you can get a trolley for free.

*Apparently leggings are back in style. DON'T BE FOOLED. They won't look good on you. I know you think they will and the siren song of comfort and non-binding waist bands, particularly as the holiday season approaches, is seductive. But you'll be wrong. And then you might think that you'll be OK if you wear them under a dress or tunic-y kind of thing. Wrong again. We were all wrong the last time they were in style and if we check our photo albums, we'll have the pictures to prove it. It's time we learned from the past.

*We move at the speed of light here. I am flabbergasted at how fast the waiter can take my order and deliver my food! I can eat a whole meal in like 25 minutes. In Tanzania, I can get a waiter's attention and a drink in 25 minutes.

*Stop thinking we aren't polite here or that manners are disappearing. Please. I've stood in orderly lines, had a door held for me, been told "excuse me" when someone's in the way, been allowed to have the right of way when driving, and generally have good smiley feelings about all of this. There are a LOT of great polite things that happen in Tanzania, too, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE the things that run so smoothly here!

*Hey, I pay almost $5 per gallon for gas. When I go to a grocery store, there's no guarantee they'll actually have the foods I'm looking for that day. Or that it's not a bit stale (or sometimes a lot stale). Or that they'll actually have change for me when I've paid for my things. Just keep that in mind the next time you wander through Cub or Rainbow or Lunds. ONE STOP SHOPPING. I rest my case.

*Peace Lutheran Church is the best church in the world. I love you guys! It's one thing to get emails from people, but so much better to be able to tell people in person how much we appreciate the prayers and support that are sent our way.

On the whole, I'm having a great time. I miss my family, but I'm enjoying the efficiency and orderliness of life this week and seeing friends. I'm appreciating the best of both worlds!

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