Thursday, March 27, 2008

Scenes from Pangani

This first one is actually Kilimanjaro, the clearest shot we've ever gotten of the mountain!


Karen said...

What IS that thing Cameron is holding???

Sharon said...

I remember a time in Pangani...Sniff Sniff:(

Ave said...

wow, so beautiful. I would love for my feet to be swallowed up by hot sand right now, I look out the window and see nothing but mud!

Mama Ava said...

It's a dead jellyfish. We often find very small ones (the size of a quarter or so) washed up on the sand island, but this one was quite large and we could see whatever passes for it's insides (the bluish flower-shaped thing in the center.

They are really interesting to hold. Like a big handful of firm jello.

Better dead on the beach than hovering around me in the water.

shawn said...

I am glad you told me what Cameron was holding, Karen asked the same question I had right off.. What beautiful pictures!!!