Sunday, February 01, 2009

Wear a Mouth Guard, Because You Never Know.

Who'd a thought? Serving Jello = Root Canal.

Well, I suppose there must have been something else tooth had been hurting for a week or so when I chewed and I was realizing that I wasn't going to make it back to the States. But I hate hate hate dentists and I'm always so tense that I was trying to ignore the truth.

So I stand up to give Ava another helping of Jello and there's something in my tooth. Wait, not in my tooth, exactly. More like the absence of 1/2 of a molar. No idea why it decided to take a walk right then and there. I actually hunted around for it, thinking I would have it reattached or something, like severed finger. I couldn't find it, which was weird, too? Where did it go?

My friend goes to a Canadian dentist who recommended an American dentist, so I really lucked out. He was very careful, and very liberal with the anesthetic. I really liked him and since we'll be spending a lot of time together over the next few weeks, that's a good thing.

Saturday--part one of the root canal. They did whatever they did and packed it and put some kind of patch on it (1 hour). Now my jaw hurts and I have a perpetual headache. Next Friday--finish the root canal and get a temporary crown (2 hours). Three weeks later--a final crown.


Thank goodness that's all there is to this story--there are times in life when you just do. not. need. drama.


shawn said...

Must have been the day for dental breakage... I broke about 1/2 of my tooth too.. only mine was a front one.. LUCKY for me I work for a dentist.. BUT... I assure you that I hate dentist as much as you do.. You are lucky you ONLY need a RCT and crown.. looks like I need to have mine taken out, and and implant put in.. I think I will be having valium for my appointments.. which means I will have a couple days off..
I feel for you.. really I do...

Unknown said...

No tooth problems here in Bloomington but the day is still young. I found out my brother is assigned to Beijing for his work with Oshkosh Trucking. Rather late notice for a trip and extended stay but we will see how he handles his time there. I hope you all doing well. JM Justin Myhre

Barb Matijevich said...

Gosh, I read this and went and flossed my teeth. I guess fear of dentists transcends continents.

I don't like Jello, though, so maybe I'm safe.