Friday, October 09, 2009

Anglophile Advice, Please!

In Beijing all of the videos we have access to are pirated. The shops are illegal so the good ones open and then get closed down and have to move until they can open again. The good one re-opened near our home and HALLELUJAH! They have a whole wall devoted to BBC programming. INCLUDING Dickens and Austen.

Those of you who love BBC programming and those authors, I need recommendations. Mark is leaving this weekend for a 10 day trip to the States--it's the perfect time to indulge myself in all things British. I can't wait--I just need to be pointed in the right direction to get started!


1 comment:

andalucy said...

The 2007 Northanger Abbey is wonderful. I can't remember--did you see Bleak House? So good.

Wives and Daughters.

North and South (Gaskell).

My sister probably has some more recent ones to recommend.