Monday, October 12, 2009

I Miss My Mommy.

We had a great 2 weeks with my mom here in China. She really is amazing -- she walked miles and miles on this vacation because that's what you have to do to see anything here. She used squatties at her age on a repaired hip -- although the good Lord saw fit to place quite a few "sitties" along the way. She ate whatever we ordered. I miss her and I wish she could stay for weeks and weeks and weeks. Although she's probably ready to be rid of our noise and chaos for awhile.

Ava just came into my classroom and was very sad to remember that Grammy was not going to be there when she got home. My kids are not very affectionate to their extended family, probably because they just don't see them very often, but they do talk about their relatives, look forward to seeing them, and miss them when they're gone.

We're not very sentimental and not into sharing our feelings much. This picture seems to sum it up. She's got her legs stretched across the beds in the train comparment, but when I rotated the camera it looked she she might be hanging from the ceiling--and maybe her hands are tied. It's more obviously not in this pic, but in the camera I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants a little.

On a slightly more morbid note, though, I'm starting to worry what will happen between now and when I'll see her again. I have an old mother (sorry, Mom, but a spade's a spade). It's more of a realization that time is passing while I'm so far away than a wondering if she might die or something. And if time is passing...then I'm getting old which means my kids are growing up and...sigh.

Right now she's rolling her eyes andsaying, "Oh, good grief."


Almost American said...

Funny photo!

I feel the same about my mom too. It's only on the last couple of visits that we've made a point of saying "I love you."

Hmm - maybe I'll go and give her a phone call now!

Karen said...

I laughed just as hard when I first looked at that picture (you had it on FB first, right?) It took me quite a while to figure it out (and I thought it was Cam, not your mom) ...

Earthling said...

I miss my mom too. I had the same feeling when my mom and sister visited me here. It seems to be a familiar theme around the world. Having those 'morbid' thoughts are also normal I think. If you don't see your mom very often its as if you add up the possible opportunities to see them before its to late. I guess it reminds us how short life is.

Now I'm gonna call my mom too.

Barb Matijevich said...

Something wonderful has happened as my mom has gotten older. I am patient and loving and kind to her in ways I never was before. Tomorrow she leaves after a week-long visit. It's been wonderful with no sign of discord (and usually, I would be wanting wine at 9:00AM by the second day.) I will miss her when she leaves--so much. Time is a wonderful and awful equalizer.