Monday, November 02, 2009

It's Like the Dishonest Butcher Said..."Happy Hollow-weenie!"

It was the SECOND Halloween, as Noah and Ava reminded me, having been deprived of Halloween for the 3 years we were in Tanzania. Ava got another dig in about how she was too young to remember practically anything about American Halloweens. There were pumpkins--Noah turned up his Yankee pride--and a snowman pumpkin (that was on Sunday--3 inches of snow, courtesy of our oh-so-helpful government weather manipulators). There was candy, both yummy (malted milk balls, Tootsie-pops, and Snickers) and "eh" (shrimp-flavored candy, rubbery miniature pizza slices, mystery nuggets). There were trick-or treaters (some that tried to shake us down Friday night, others that didn't quite understand "no. more. candy." at 10 pm on Saturday night. It really doesn't compare to a good ol' suburban Halloween romp, but it definitely gets the kids fired up and we have a great time. It's safe enough that kids like Noah can go with a pack of their friends. It's safe enough that Cameron and his buddies can wander and roam between compounds. It's scarey enough that Ava needs an escort. And it's hilarious to watch how militant some Americans (myself included) can be about how things are done. No costume? NO CANDY. You didn't say "trick or treat"? NO CANDY. You can't speak English? Here's a 30 second lesson: say TRICK. OR. TREAT. or NO CANDY. Accidentally leave your lights on but you're not home to give out candy? Well, obviously Hitler's relatives live there or something.

Cameron here went for irony. Or maybe sarcasm. He has not, and vows he will never, open any of the Twilight oeuvre. Nor will he lay eyes on any of the movies. But the only people on Earth not familiar with K-Stew's sour expressionless face would have to be in a coma. So I give you Bella and Edward. He really does sparkle in the light (thanks to some iridescent embossing powder I found in my art stash). And Cameron, in his tight jeans and t-shirt, really did pull off the girl look, although he did endure numerous comments about his lack of breastal magnitude. To which I replied, "welcome to that club."

No, there are no pictures of Noah. Poor middle child. He was Mr. Everything, which amounted to him wearing random articles of clothing on random parts of his body and running out of the house at breakneck speed. I also unfortunately missed getting his Micheal Jackson moves on tape while wearing his costume. Priceless.

A sweet pirate wench and a princess. Note the really loooooong hair on the princess. It reminds me of those Chrissy dolls, where you pushed their stomachs and yank their hair to make it long. The ponytail is the exact color of Ava's real hair and garnered a LOT of attention. As the temperature dropped she ended up with Noah's cloak, so she looked like an undercover princess, forced to steal away in the dead of night from her castle.

Bella the pirate and Gabby the fireman/fireperson are Ava's closest friends. Gabby is moving to Belgium next year and Bella is likely leaving, too. Their parents are good friends of ours and I hate them all. Ava has had a hard year adjusting to her good friend moving last year. When Gabs and Bells go...honestly, do people think only of themselves when making life and career decisions? Doesn't anyone think about ME? How their decisions might affect ME? What will happen to MY family when they go gallivanting off to new places and new friends? Sheesh.

And, last but not least...flashback to Flashdance and turned up collars. We did an 80's party Friday night at the local bar. You really can't tell from this picture how tight those jeans are or that he's wearing those dress ankle boots that zip up. We met up with our friends (Dynasty-esque shoulders pads, a hopeful for a Whitesnake video, and a Flock of Seagulls hair) and had a great time. Which is funny because neither of us really likes those kinds of parties, and definitely not at a bar, but when you throw in 2 teacher was worth the frosty blue eyshadow!
Hope your Halloween was safe, happy, and heavily spiked with sugar!

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