Sunday, April 09, 2006

Something Got Lost in Translation

OK, you've all been to a national park where they post all the things you need to do (or actually shouldn't do) in order to stay safe and protect the environment. Usually, in order to make their point, the signs repeat the phrase "do not" at the beginning of each statement. (personal digression--my all time favorites are the ones at Yellowstone warning you not to get too close to the geyser pools, which feature the image of a child tumbling in)

But this sign at Arusha National Park has lost its true meaning. To be truthful the sign just out of the picture at the top does say "Do not get out of your car or feed the animals". But from there on the sign does not actually say "do not" and the remainder of the sign actually seems to encourage dangerous behavior. This is a very liberal park.

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