Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Things are Bloomin' All Over!

It's hard to believe that this site was baked hard and brown just a month ago! Living where there are no seasons except rainy and dry has given a whole new perspective on the importance of rain. The vegetation here takes immediate advantage of the moisture and grows like crazy.

Case in point...Isaya (who is working at planting acacia trees--over 3,500 of them so far--and managing erosion) is pointing to the seedlings he is growing under the canopy built by Project 640 in February. Like most plants you buy here, they are grown in plastic bags filled with dirt. The canopy provides some shade, yet allows light through for good growth.

This is an acacia tree planted several months ago. It's possible to plant a tree here and sit under its shade in just a few years. If you have water, growing things here can be ridiculously easy! Currently, the site is being overplanted to manage erosion. Later, trees will be thinned out and moved. Eventually some will be cut for firewood as needed--better than charcoal which requires more wood to make.

While the land is beautiful, it is wide open so shade will be very much appreciated!

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