Monday, November 20, 2006

Ava, Ava, Ava

Ava loves her hair. And braids. So it was only a matter of time before the twain should meet. Yasini's daughter is home for break and agreed to give it a try. This is the end of day 3 so I'm giving it a day or so more before they're going to have to come out. It took about an hour to do.

And if you look verrrrry closely, you will see another change. Ava suddenly decided she wanted her ears pierced. Of course it didn't matter that I told her it was going to hurt. Now all of Arusha knows something happened in town today! :-) She recovered by the time we got home and was able to drag herself to the mirror to preen a bit.

She has also decided to (finally) eat her bread crusts and choke down cauliflower and green beans so she can be very strong and healthy and tall and "still a little bit skinny" because she loves running and her ballet class and wants to be good at both. Funny girl.

1 comment:

Karen said...

wow, what a cutie. And I would say that even if I didn't know her!

PSDS, huh.

(say it out loud with a New York accent.)