Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Freely you have received, freely give.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~JF K

I admit it--I'm not very good about being thankful. Oh, I can always come up with all the things I'm really thankful for--and sincerely mean it. But I so often find myself thinking about things I think I don't have, or from a more negative perspective, which is frustrating and not at all where my heart should be. So often being thankful on a daily basis requires a concerted effort on my part.

Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live. ~Jackie Windspear

But this Thanksgiving I am reminded every day of the blessings we have received. I could write pages about each one, but for now I'll just say "thanks." Without you, we wouldn't be us, and we are better because of you.

Our family and friends who email and call and give us an inside look at life "back home" and keep us sane way over here. And I will mention Karen in particular, for packing and shopping and organizing and listening and im-ming at all hours of the day and night.

Peace House Foundation, for allowing us to take this incredible life-changing journey

Peace Lutheran Church (Bloomington) and Trinity Lutheran Church (Hayfield) for prayers and financial support that give us daily strength and ease some worries

Rachel, Joe, Debbie, the folks from St. Stephen's, and the rest who have visited or stopped by on their way through town. You have no idea what a lift it is to see someone from "home".

Anyone who has sent chocolate chips, cereal, goldfish, fruit snacks, licorice and other very non-essential but wonderful treats!

All the new friends we've made and our faith community at ACC who have answered questions, listened to complaints, offered prayers, dinners, drinks, and friendship and have Arusha feel more like home every day.

Everyone who has supported PHF financially, prayerfully, or with their time and talents. You are doing amazing work!

In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

And in the spirit of other things I'm thankful for this week on a daily basis-

Good health--one of my biggest areas of concern and we have been blessed to have no serious issues.

Punctuality and efficiency--well, perhaps you can't appreciate it until you do without it. Which is also a blessing because you have the opportunity to see life in a startling new way. But there's something to be said for it, just the same.

The privilege of being educated, of being American, of being white, of being able to go through life and not have to think about these gifts I've done nothing to deserve.

Toilet paper, clean public bathrooms, consistently stocked grocery stores, checking accounts, cheese, cheap cereal, food variety, anonymity, Target, electricity, movies, the library, and good roads.

Having to learn a new language, being cut off from a world of familiarity and making a go of it with your family, new perspectives, great new food, email and Skype, international friends, finding out that "our way" isn't always the best way, learning to appreciate the unknown and unplanned, and being challenged in our faith.

Isn't it interesting that what I am thankful for in my former life tended to be things and what I am thankful for here are experiences?

And above all, God, from whom flow all our blessings, who has promised to work for good in all circumstances, and who provides the way and all that we need to follow Him. Both Mark and I have found increased comfort in this, now that our illusions of control are stripped away and we are faced daily with need on a scale we could never have imagined. In all, we trust in His love and His plan.

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true thankfulness comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.—Theodore Roosevelt

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