Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Another Ava Party

Ava's kindergarden class (what they call ages 3-6 here) had a little party for her today. They run a preschool for Tanzanian children here in the morning, which is why half the children are in uniform. They had juice, jam/bread, and a real birthday cake. Everything baked dries out unbelievably fast here, but the kids didn't mind at all. They sang happy birthday in English and then a Swahili song. The teachers made a Tshirt for Ava that says, "Give me a child for the first 6 years and you can have him forever". I can't remember who said it, but it's a quote often used to stress the importance of early education and intervention. Ava was very pleased with the whole affair!

These are Sebastian and Jonathon and we are thrilled that they arrived yesterday because they are boys, they speak outstanding English, and they are Cameron and Noah's ages...hurray! They are going to get to go on an overnight to Ngorongoro Crater and camp there. Of course they're thrilled!

For a bit of an eye-opener about the rest of the world...the boys' father is from Uganda, and their mother is from Denmark. When they married, he didn't speak Danish, so the only language common in the family was English. The dad went to Danish language school to learn to speak Danish. The children speak English at home and with their Ugandan relatives and Danish at school and with their Danish friend/relatives.

We're from Minnesota.

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