Sunday, February 19, 2006

Home in Arusha

This is our kitchen. It's a bit old-fashioned with the wall tile and you are looking at our only set of counters or cabinets. Right now they're empty, but not for long, I suppose! Acquiring stuff is more difficult here and the stuff you really need is pricey so I imagine my kitchen will not be as cluttered as my old one was! On the ceiling is the most energy-efficient light ever made. It's flourescent, which as you know, is longer lasting than regular light bulbs. We have them in the hallway and on the verdanda, too. During the day when we don't need them they light up just fine. After 7 when it's dark and they cycle the power down, the flourescent lights don't get enough power to turn on. So they don't. And we have to use a flashlight in the kitchen. Actually, there are flourescents in the living room, too, but those do come on, just not very bright so we use flashlights there, too. There is a water shortage which is causing power to be regulated so we don't know if the cycling down is a normal event or the result of the water shortage. We'll see....
This is the yard (what they call the "garden" here. You can just see Nda, our day guard/handyman. He doesn't speak any English so talking to him is a bit of a trial--I'm sure he feels the same way! He works very hard, though, and is very conscientious about arriving and leaving on time. His only broom is a bunch of branches tied together and his rake has been made of barbed wire. Apparently those tools are not that unusual but I'm going to do something about that when I get back. But if he has a good broom and rake, he'll finish his work sooner, and then what will he do? Honestly, that's a question people ask around here.
Here is the Hillman abode for the next 8-9 months. The temperature is wonderful and shady, unlike the school site where we'll eventually go. The view is from the front gate. Houses are in compounds so there is a wall covered with bouganvilla surrounding the yard and a large gate to come in and out. The gate is watched by either Nda (during the day) or security company guards on the nights and weekends. It makes you feel safe at night, but it can feel isolating during the day. On the other hand, given how many people stare and follow you when you go out, maybe it's not such a bad thing.

More house pictures will be coming soon...uploading takes forever and multiple failures before I succeed.


andalucy said...

It looks so warm and verdant there. Lovely! Jorge and I had a laugh about your non-lighting, too.

Mama Ava said...

No dog (yet). It's probably a stump masquerading as a table. The kitchen tile is really something else, but with the lights off at night, I kind of like it! :-) The floor is stone/tile. It makes me feel like I'm standing on a compass for a map...which way is north?