Friday, March 27, 2009

Um...I have to Admit...

Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

First of all, I'm not Catholic, so I wouldn't really know what to do in an actual confessional. I am, however, a darn decent Lutheran (don'tcha know), which counts for A LOT.


I confess I like going places where lots of people speak English. Like cabdrivers. And waiters. But saying that may be a desperate attempt to mask the slowly dawning realization that I'm NEVER going to learn Chinese.

I confess also that I like going places where people use the same letters we do in America. I suspect that if that were true in China, the odds of me learning it would dramatically improve.

I confess I really really really love warm weather. And I'm discovering that I even love very humid warm weather. As I was standing at a cocktail party last night, clutching a practically perfect G&T (no skimping on the G part--AND it was free. As was the one before that.) I stock stock of myself. I was hot, sweaty, and a bit disheveled, all from walking 200 yards to said cocktail party. My clothes were sticking to me and the humidity could only be described as oppressive (Malaysia could jump on the ceiling fan bandwagon. I'm just sayin'), and then I thought of Beijing. Cold, gray, square, smelly Beijing (everywhere I go in this hotel, everything smells like frangipani, ginger, and citronella--it's heavenly). And I thought...I've changed. My kvetching about weather is well-documented, and I've always felt I was not a humidity person, but given the humidity vs. the cold, I would choose hot and sweaty.

I confess I had more than 2 G&Ts that night.

I confess that when it's this hot, I might drink them for breakfast.

I confess to loving to eat dinner food for breakfast, and by extension loving places that serve dinner for breakfast. So I confess that I ate curry prawns for breakfast this morning.

I confess that confessing out loud is possibly kind of cathartic. Maybe I should open or something. Maybe that's my new theme!

I confess to calling the front desk last night asking if I could get American Idol on my TV. And then asking them to check the 5 bars around the place to see if any of those TVs might get that channel.

I confess that that confession is the most embarrassing.

Wow...I feel better already! Anyone else have anything they want to get off their chests?


andalucy said...

So you can't stand to watch two teenagers not having sex, and here you are downing one g&t after another? And watching THAT show? (Allison is the best. Don't ask me how I know that.)

Church Lady says: Who is it that is SO not innocent? Hmmmmmmmm? Could it be.... Mama Ava?

Unknown said...

I confess that I miss you folks. I wish it were warmer in Bloomington so I could have that B@T. We are still in the HotTottie (if that is correct) weather. JM

Mama Ava said...

OK clandria...if the GTs are free they are watered down. AND I was alone (as in, no kids). Same for American Idol. I was NOT doing any of those things in the very close proximity of a vampire (or otherwise possessed teenage boy).

Hey...rationalizing is almost as easy as confessing!

Earthling said...

I've learned Dutch fluently and they also use a Roman alphabet but I still like my Wednesday afternoon teas with the foreign ladies. We speak all kinds of languages but its nice to be around people who also feel like freaks. We've all lived here long enough not to bother with culture bitching but we do share experiences and none of us like the weather. We all want to live someplace warm.
I'd rather sweat then freeze any day.