Friday, October 03, 2008

Gratuitous Brunette...Or Prove He's Not

In honor of the sensible women of Alaska (my apologies, Sarah, if you're playing for her team!), I give you a man that I am sure understands field dressing a moose, catching wild salmon, being able to see Russia does not qualify one for the role of Vice-President. Heck, my sister can do 2 of things and I'm not sure she should be vice-president, either. Although she is very cool. My sister, that is. Not Sarah Palin.


Karen said...

It's not like she can actually SEE Russia from her office, or her kitchen window.

Not that that would make a difference.

FWIW, sorry, Sharon, I probably wouldn't vote for your sister, either. (nor would I expect you to vote for me. You & I, Sharon, would have the good sense to say NO should that specific question be presented to us.)

Sharon said...

Well I believe that I would be a good candidate for VP because I do live 40 miles from a foreign country (bordering 3 of its Providences), I have had a passport for 10 years and have used it to foreign countries. I feel that the relations between the US and Dominica, St Martin, St Thomas, Martinique need vast improvements to secure our future in the world. And ya know, on a clear day from a hill south of town I can see into that foreign country.

Mama Ava said...

Holy cats, sis, you're right! You ARE qualified to be the 2nd in command of the free world! Your diplomatic ties to Canada and your foreign policy experience in the Caribbean cannot be overstated.

Mama Ava said...

Holy cats, sis, you're right! You ARE qualified to be the 2nd in command of the free world! Your diplomatic ties to Canada and your foreign policy experience in the Caribbean cannot be overstated.

Karen said...

OK, I changed my mind. I would vote for you if you would agree to appoint me to the task force examining the relations between the US and the nations you so bravely visit.

Sarah said...

I'm just going to be noncommittal while admitting there are things I find disturbing about the recent political events... and so perhaps Sharon could have my vote, too, in case there are countries she doesn't have the time to visit - I'm even available for relationship building with Mexico - maybe in January???