Sunday, November 30, 2008
NaBloPoMo--It is Finished
Those of you who tune in to find out more about China, must be disappointed. I haven't had much to say--some of that is because when we're both working we just don't get out as much easily. Because we are in a major urban center we are far removed from village life (which here can mean a city of 2 million or less). Most of the Chinese that we meet are of similar social and educational class and many of them work for big corporations. Others, like my ayi, aren't but the language presents a problem in communication. We are hoping to get out again next week and hoping our trip to Thailand won't have to be cancelled and see more of the world than school!
An Evening in Tibet
Then Mansu said he would cook us some sambas (I think that's what it was). To me cook means...cook. He showed us the ingredients--sugar, yak butter, boiling water, and a cooked flour. Pancakes is what came to my mind, for some reason. Nope. The guy melted the butter in the water, sprinkled in some sugar, and then dumped in a big helping of the flour. Then, and here's where it pays off to not be too too fussy about things, he started mixing up with his hands. Several in our group stopped being interested right then and there. But I figured a lot of tasty things are made with those
ingredients--biscuits, for one. And pie crust. And pancakes. So we waited and watched as he mixed and molded the stuff until it resembled one of those alfalfa nuggets I used to feed to the horses. I took a know how goat cheese tastes? Well, it had that taste and odor, but it combined strangely with the sweetness of the sugar. Honestly, it was different but not too bad. Dry though--thank goodness for Pepsi!
Another little plateful of gems was the cheese platter. You know me and cheese--it's hard to separate us and there's really no food that couldn't be improved by tossing on a little cheese. I'm afraid, though, that if I tossed this cheese, someone would get hurt. The gray lumps on the right are cheese. They were honestly like rocks. I have no idea how you go about eating them, unless you soften them first in tea or hot milk. Those on the left resembled spritz cookies, but the yak-y scent shouted cheese to anyone within a few feet. I took a tiny nibble and when I chucked in the bin it made a really loud CLUNK.
But the furniture--wow. It was overwhelming to see so much all at once. Tibetan furniture is bright--lots of reds and yellow--and very ornately painted. A little can go a long way for me, but each piece was so pretty! There were enormous shrines, trunks made of yak leather and wood and silver, trunks, chests, and cabinets galore. All of it brought from Tibet by the family, none of it brand new. Many of the cabinets (including this huge piece) were shrines for keeping the figures of gods and are now used for TVs, bookcases and yes, even bars.
I must be getting more comfortable here because I thought his prices were high, even though they are ridiculously low by American standards. I bought this little cabinet which looks great as a temporary TV stand. You can't tell from the picture but it's actually a trapezoid shape, narrower at the top than at the bottom. I love it.
And this small table went to Mark's office. He has the ugliest office in the school--where everyone has wonderful Asian pieces, he's got standard furniture from Staples or something. So we're on the look out for some nice things that will add some character to his space. Several things from Tanzania will be on the walls this week so it will soon look quite nice. Both the table and the cabinet are between 50 and 70 years old. The design on the table is a representation of the afterlife. It's really very pretty.
Happy Thanksgiving, on China Time (Blog #30 11/30/08)
Friday, November 28, 2008
No, It's not Just an Excuse for Hugh (Blog #29 11/29/08)
Really, it's not. I call your attention to the figure that resembles not so much Nicole Kidman as some stretched tight plasticine replica.
Seriously, what is up with that? She's got spectacular hair and porcelein skin you could die for. I remember reading an article about how her mother refused to let her out in the Australian sun, even with sunscreen, because she was so fair, and how she used to hate her mother for it, but now she really appreciated her efforts because her skin was in such good shape. So, here we have a tall woman, one who probably tends to be on the thin side anyway (although it's obvious the woman has not consumed more than a lettuce leaf at any one sitting since 1997), the kind of hair that can be "lively" (right, Calandria?), and stellar skin.
Happy Thanksgiving (Blog #28 11/28/08)
Be thankful we have clothes, water, and food.
Be thankful we didn't wake wondering what dangers faced us that day--whether it was an overloaded old bus, a man with a gun, or a terrorist with a bomb.
Be thankful your airport wasn't shut down by protestors, your hotels weren't overrun by terrorists, and your family members weren't held hostage.
We know that in everything God works for good, to those who are called according to His purpose. I can't begin to understand why things happen in this world, why my family is blessed beyond measure when so many struggle and suffer. I just know that somehow, in some way, there is a purpose, and there is good that can be found in all of this darkness.We are thankful beyond words to be able to live in China right now, to be able to celebrate with new friends, to have family to miss, to have our health, our school, and our jobs. So many have so little.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Chosen One,
Give thanks, because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now, let the weak say "I am strong,"
Let the poor say, "I am rich",
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Deep Thoughts (Blog #27 11/27/08)
Forget Prop. 8. It's these 2 and all their celebrity co-horts that are ruining the sanctity of marriage. Now "Friends" is on from 8:00 - 9:00. Did you know all they do is drink and have sex and spout one-liners? I blush and then turn. it. off.
What will happen when this little chickie decides to start actually acting 16--which in Hollywoodland will involve any or all of the following: drinking, drugs, flashing your private lady-parts because you've given up underwear, having an affair with your best (girl) friend, several minor car accidents and altercations with photographers, an unplanned pregnancy, and/or an early marriage to revive one's career?
I know she's supposed to be looking sexy, but why do I think she looks like she's trying to do long division in her head?
Doean't the fact that New Kids on the Block are back signal the fact that this guy's ship has sailed? WHY does he keep showing up at parties? WHAT does he do? (no, Dancing with the Stars does not count).
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Mark!
Blowing out the candles....ALL of them!
This is not a piece of cake--it's the WHOLE cake. Very very very rich. And thick. And luscious.
(Like how Mark's hair used to be. hee hee)
The 4 biggest blessings.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rand Redux (Blog #26 11/26/08)
But that aside, there are issues here on earth that need our attention and that was the reason for my post. Too often the word “rational” or “atheist” is overlaid with this disagreeable notion that being one of those precludes a person from having a generous or charitable spirit. Of course there are hundreds upon thousands of things done every day that change the lives of people all over the world. Many of these acts are done by people who do not believe in God.
Obviously, I am not a follower of Ayn Rand and to claim I know much about her in any depth just because I read a few articles or one of her books would be a gross misstatement. However, there were a few points that stood out that were hard to accept. The first was “What is today’s version of the “bountiful harvest”? It’s the affluence and success we’ve gained. It’s the cars, houses and vacations we enjoy. It’s the life-saving medicines we rely on, the stock portfolios we build, the beautiful clothes we buy and the safe, clean streets we live on. It’s the good life.
How did we get this “bountiful harvest”? Ask any hard-working American; it sure wasn’t by the “grace of God.” It didn’t grow on a fabled “money tree.” We created it by working hard, by desiring the best money can buy and by wanting excellence for ourselves and our loved ones."
I don’t think it’s only Christians or other people of faith who would disagree with that. I have friends who have been subscribing to that idea for years and they feel empty. They feel like there’s something missing in a world where their bank accounts are full, their children are healthy and attend great schools and lots of activities, whose clothes are nice, and who vacation well. The most recent stock market and economy mess has shown that these measures of “bounty” are transient. If people who had those things last year don’t have them today, is it because of a lack of hard work? Is it because they didn’t desire the best or want excellence? Or are there capricious things beyond all of our control that can take all of that away from us in a heartbeat? The comment also ignores the level of privilege that so many of us live with and don’t even realize—the ability to go to college, the ability to see the world through experiences where your efforts have been shaped, supported, and reinforced from a young age. For myself, I was raised to expect to go to college. My early experiences shaped my belief that I can accomplish certain things, that I can persevere, that I can achieve. My parents provided the resources for my education. All those indefinable things have contributed to my place in life today. Contrast that with individuals and groups who have never had the opportunity to hear those messages. We are all impressed when we hear of gang members graduating from college, or an immigrant who achieves remarkable success against great hardships. Isn’t that because we recognize that there is something different about that one person who has overcome those odds? It seems that there should also be a recognition that because we celebrate that one person, we recognize that those skills are not present (or easily present) in most everyone else.
There is a movement among the baby boomer generation of search for meaning. For these men and women, they’ve done all of that acquisition of bounty and are searching for something else. In working for Peace House Foundation, I can attest to the number of people searching for significance by looking to help others. The references I made to Rand’s ideas of charity are not in the original posted article but are from Wikipedia: “Rand did not see charity as a moral duty or a major virtue and held it to be proper only when the recipient is worthy and when it does not involve sacrifice. She opposed all forms of aid given by governments, just as she opposed any other government activity not directed at protecting individual rights.”
I think as members of the human race we do have a duty to help others who are less fortunate—and that sentiment is shared by large numbers of people, both those of faith and those who are not. I believe that that effort does involve a certain sacrifice—people are giving their time, their talents, or their money, all which could be spent on personal activities or material goods. If the word “sacrifice” seems somehow penitent or onerous, I supposed I could use the word “trade-off”. And even by religious standards, charity or giving is not compulsory. I’m never forced or ordered to give. For me, it’s an outgrowth of my beliefs. When I say I am compelled to give, it’s an inner feeling, not an external set of standards I’m trying to meet. People do make some judgments about their giving—a person who would believe, for example, that alcoholism is a personal failing or who see homosexuality as a “bad choice” are unlikely to offer assistance in those areas. People who have lost a loved one to cancer or know someone who benefitted from an organ donation are more likely to feel passionate about those issues. Others, for whatever reason, just touch our hearts. There is no earthly reason why I feel so strongly about orphans in Africa, so much more so than orphans in India, or children in crisis in the US. I just do.
I also do ask/require my children to participate in some of our charitable work. Most of the time they want to, sometimes they lead the effort, sometimes it's just what we do as a family. I don't have a problem with enforcing a set of family values on my children. Left to their own devices, my children would not bathe, brush their teeth, do their homework, practice their instruments, or a host of other things. Good hygiene, academic success, commitment and dedication, organization, planning--those things do not come naturally and as a parent it is my job to set the conditions for, teach, and reinforce those things. I include our faith practice and other things in that pile as well. I understand that there will come a time when my children will make their own decisions about faith, college, giving, and yes, even hygiene. That will be their choice--but as children, they are a part of a family that values certain things and those things are practiced, celebrated, and sometimes mandatory.
The second part of the quote about the government’s responsibility, I also disagree with. It’s not a big surprise that I am liberal on a lot of issues. I do believe that the government has the responsibility to take steps to ensure that all people have access to certain things—good medical care, good schools, good infrastructure—and I am willing to pay more in taxes if that means it will happen. I believe my life is enhanced when those things are in place for everyone. When people don’t have those things, my quality of life declines. Certainly we can debate whether the government is the best suited entity to provide those kinds of things. There are, however, a great great many hardworking people in our country who cannot afford to live in a community with adequate schools, who can’t afford even minimal health care, whose incomes don’t cover the cost of living. We can debate whether “those people” have made good choices. But they are a large part of our population, and when people in a community are not provided for, the community suffers. We all know it would be cheaper to educate a child than to manage the fallout from higher rates of illiteracy, or that it would be cheaper to provide services to keep people out of prison than it is to incarcerate them. I believe that some of those programs are the function of the government.
As I said, I don’t pretend to understand Ayn Rand fully. But I don’t agree with the quotes I’ve used, not because I’m not a rational thinker, and not because I’m a Christian. My faith aside, I just don’t believe that the world works that way, or that the world will be a better place if more people shared the beliefs underpinning those quotes. I can accept that Rand did not believe in God or felt that religion “helped foster a crippling culture acting against individual human happiness and success.” I don’t agree with that statement, although I can understand how people do feel that way about religion, because there are a ton of people making a huge difference in the lives of people, who are campaigning for candidates, who are living for something other than their own personal affluence and position. And it’s outward turning toward others, a generosity of spirit that looks to the welfare of the whole as well as to the success of self, that I found missing from the things I read.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Great Kids (Blog #25 11/25/08)
Ava, with her friend Gaby (from Minneapolis), have lots of fun together. Ava is getting better at being less "teacher-like" (read: bossy) during school and is on fire with all her subjects. She's working hard at violin and loves having all her stuffed animals back in her life. She has a new pet fish (a gift from a birthday party) to fuss over and is making new friends every day.
Cameron's Chinese teacher said she's never seen a student his age with such excellent written Chinese skills so early. His teacher reports at conferences were excellent. He's hitting new independent milestones--like taking himself over with a friend to get a haircut yesterday--that do make me glad he's tied to us still via phone. He did a GULU walk to raise money for orphans in Uganda and a 5k run to raise money for education projects in China. He is very committed to his church youth group and wouldn't go to family breakfast with us on Saturday because he wanted to go to Bible study. We are so pleased and proud of his growth in his faith and his interest in learning more. We are blessed with such a great staff at our church that works with teens.
Cameron was at a youth retreat last weekend with several other churches and had a great time. The video is here from YouTube. The guy in the suit with the yellowish wig at 0:34 seconds is our youth group leader and you can catch a glimpse of Cameron at about 1:34 and 1:45 if you look quick quick.
Moving (In) Day Blog #24 (11/24/08)
Here is my Tanzanian container. It is SO. TYPICALLY. AFRICAN.
This was Friday afternoon. Truthfully, I left the whole thing at 5:00 to go Tibetan furniture-shopping (you know, a typical every-day kind of thing. And what better way to celebrate getting huge crates of stuff than by going out and, you know, buying some more?)
This is Sunday night. Voila! I can't believe how great it looks! I can't believe how comfortable my couch is! I can't believe how great my TZ stuff looks in here!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Thanksgiving--To Whom? (Blog # 23 11/23/08)
Ayn Rand described Thanksgiving as “a typically American holiday ... its
essential, secular meaning is a celebration of successful production. It is a
producers’ holiday. The lavish meal is a symbol of the fact that abundant
consumption is the result and reward of production.” She was right. This country
was mostly uninhabited and wild when our forefathers began to develop the land
and build spectacular cities, shaping what is now the wealthiest nation in the
It’s the American spirit to overcome challenges, create great
achievements, and enjoy prosperity. We uniquely recognize that production leads
to wealth and that we must dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of life, liberty
and happiness. It’s no accident that Americans have a holiday called
Thanksgiving — a yearly tradition when we pause to appreciate the “bountiful
harvest” we’ve reaped. What is today’s version of the “bountiful harvest”? It’s
the affluence and success we’ve gained. It’s the cars, houses and vacations we
enjoy. It’s the life-saving medicines we rely on, the stock portfolios we build,
the beautiful clothes we buy and the safe, clean streets we live on. It’s the
good life.
How did we get this “bountiful harvest”? Ask any hard-working American; it
sure wasn’t by the “grace of God.” It didn’t grow on a fabled “money tree.” We
created it by working hard, by desiring the best money can buy and by wanting
excellence for ourselves and our loved ones. What we don’t create ourselves, we
trade value for value with those who have the goods and services we need, such
as our stockbrokers, hairdressers and doctors. We alone are responsible for our
wealth. We are the producers and Thanksgiving is our holiday. So, on
Thanksgiving, why don’t we thank ourselves and those producers who make the good life possible?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Great Australian Exports (Blog #22 11/22/08)
I HATE BLOGGER (Blog #21 11/21/08)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Real Live Author! (Blog #21 11/21/08)
The elementary school spent the past few weeks reading Kimmel books, decorating the halls, writing their own stories, entering hat designing contests, and getting ready to host a "real live writer." Eric has kind of a specialty of retelling tales from around the world, especially the Anansi trickster stories from West Africa and traditional Judaic tales (his book Herschel and Hannukah Goblins won the Caldecott Medal) as well as stories from China, Mexico, Russia, Japan, and the United States. Each class got 15 minutes or so with him to ask questions about being a writer and have their books signed.
One thing that I do like about ISB is that it places a huge emphasis on writing and reading. It is a literature-rich school and every teacher I meet talks about books. Reading books from different genres is widely encouraged and students are actively taught ways to interact with and respond to books. It's very common to see the kids come in from recess, shuck off their coats, and plop into their desks with a book. About 40 minutes is given to independent reading every day (as well as 40 minutes of writing). Still, there's nothing like having an actual author in your midst to really fire up the kids. I heard several of them talking about how they thought it was hard to come up with ideas for stories, but they had lots of ideas about how to retell a traditional fairy tale. It was a great week!
Why I Teach (Blog #20 11/20/08)
I ask you...what could be better than spending your day with people who think like this?!